Welding Technical Support
In bridges, ships, wagons, static equipment, tanks, piping and a number of other structures, welding is the protagonist. Welding works by joining two materials together without a separate binder material by means of heat, pressure or both. But what ensures a good weld and therefore a good, durable construction? The quality control that follows.
In new or existing welded structures and any need for seam control or heat treatment, for the first time, we offer a holistic approach to welding as QA/QC plays a vital role in ensuring sound and reliable welds are produced and in minimising rework.
Newtron’s certified inspectors and technicians are your one-stop shop when it comes to Welding Support. We develop a Quality Assurance plan according to Welding standards and form the framework for the QA/QC activities before, during and after the fabrication process. Using the appropriate technology – whether it is NDT, Advanced NDT or Heat Treatment – we assure that daily operations are consistent and meet each-and-every, specific customer requirement.

More than 50% of all man-made products require welding, so welding is a key factor in most industrial processes. Especially the industries that rely on metallic-structure assets the most are the ones that capitalise on Welding Support, such as: