Advanced Non-Destructive Testing
Advanced NDT methods are -as conventional NDT- also non-invasive inspection techniques that are used to evaluate material properties, components, or entire structures and even process units. They progress as emerging technologies, and as such, they tend to be less understood. For example, in some cases advantages or limitations may be uncertain, there may still be a lack of technician qualification criteria in some testing methods or little to no industry codification in some others.
Generally, the setup, procedure, and data interpretation of advanced methods are more complicated and can require specialised understanding and experience from a properly trained technician.

There are several techniques used in NDT, that can be further broken down into conventional and advanced techniques. For example, in Ultrasonic Testing, Straight Beam Ultrasonic Testing [UT] is a conventional technique used in simple applications, whereas Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing [PAUT] is an advanced UT technique.
As advanced techniques mature, new and more advanced versions of each emerge to start a new cycle of technical understanding and technician training.
Newtron Technologies uses, among others, the following methods:

Advanced Non-Destructive Testing technologies are emerging fast. Newtron Advanced NDT solutions cater for a diverse range of applications, concerns and industries. There are specific industries that require Advanced NDT and have formalised processes for its use. These industries include:
Similarly to NDT, to meet the standard requirements, Advanced NDT procedures must be carried out as per standard procedure to obtain desired test results. In some evolving techniques however it may be that requirements are still a work in progress. In general, though, these procedures are derived from applicable codes and standards with the most commonly followed organisations in the world for Advanced NDT being:
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